Ag Precision and Complete Field Record Keeping Management Software

Site Pro            

Your clients expect answers from you about their yield maps, soil test results, application maps, and other important data. A software program has to be easy to use and flexible enough to handle many industry formats. Site Pro meets your demands by providing specific analysis tools for consultants and service providers. More than just a mapping program, Site Pro fully integrates your precision ag data into a complete field management solution for each client.

Site Pro Features:

Application Features:

Easy to use Client/Farm/Field/Job Tree allows quick access to field names for maps and field records.
Note tillage practices, fertilizer and seed rates, herbicide use, crop yields, and weather conditions.
Keep detailed records on equipment such as service interval, serial numbers, and burn rate of fuel.
Record, sort, and print restricted chemical usage. All reports are EPA approved.
Ability to create EPA required Pesticide Application Schedules that conform to Worker Protection Standards.
Print enterprise statements on a per field basis to view costs and profitability.
Create work orders and download them into Farm Trac Mate.
Download supplies, such as seed or chemicals, from the Internet with EPA number and other important labeling information (additional fee).
Select nutrients for fertilizers from a drop-down list with set up automatically completed.
Import pictures of equipment, personnel, and fields from a digital camera.
Customize reports to fit your needs.
Enter future planning records for product ordering, equipment usage, and employee allocation.
Create and print invoices for custom farming and other jobs.
Setup tank mixes and keep track of the individual supplies that are used in each mix.
Mapping Features:

Unlimited number of layers for each client. Display layers on top of layers to see the effect of pH levels or soil types on yields, and more.
Read and write data from Ag Leader, John Deere, Case/New Holland, Lexion, AGCO, and other widely used formats. Click here for a complete list.
Import/export of ESRI shape files, ASCII text, FODM XML files, GeoTIFF, and GeoJPG images.
Includes tools for drawing fields, structures, and landmarks.
Buffer tool allows you to select a field boundary (or part of a boundary) and enter a distance or area to have the program create a buffer.
Calculates acreage automatically.
Download FREE geo-referenced aerial photos, waterways, and roads of your farm from the Internet.
Enter or import the results of soil tests and generate a map of the data.
Calculate soil sampling locations for any grid size.
Create application maps for variable rate control. Product summary of application maps allows you to see total quantity needed to complete job and approximate cost.
Print full-color maps.

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